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Category: Digestive Health

External Hemorrhoid Treatment

In our society today, hemorrhoids have become a widespread problem; in fact, 45% of people under the age of 50 develop hemorrhoids. The most common hemorrhoid is external. In this kind of hemorrhoid, the swollen vein or lumps hardens outside the anus and they can range in appearance from a simple-looking sore to blood clots. External Hemorrhoids can cause enormous pain when having a bowel movement and when moving around throughout the day.


What are the causes of external hemorrhoids? Oftentimes, they appear when you overstrain yourself during a bowel movement. They can also be triggered by obesity, continuous episodes of diarrhea, and pregnancy. In rare cases, it can also happen when you have liver cirrhosis. Whatever the cause of your hemorrhoid, the treatment is still the same.


Keep in mind that prevention is better than cure especially if you are a hemorrhoid sufferer. Knowing the cause of the problem is necessary so that you can do preventive measure to make the treatment easier. If obesity is the reason, you have to change your eating habits. Slashing down the amount of food you eat will reduce the size of the lump making it easier to treat.

Regulating the bowel movements is another preventive method. This can be done by eating the proper food and doing daily exercise. Take a 20-minute walk or jog in order to excrete excess toxins in the body and to control the digestive system metabolism. Drinking plenty of water will also help in forming softer stools instead of hard solids forming in your digestive tract. You can also use lubricants like petroleum jelly, mineral or liver oil to make the bowel movement much easier.


The treatment of external hemorrhoid can be natural or surgical; although, surgery is usually used to treat advanced stage hemorrhoids. If you have enough money, surgery can also be done if you want to get rid of the problem immediately.

Consult your doctor before undergoing surgery to remove hemorrhoids. The doctors will make you undertake physical exam and laboratory test for hemorrhoid symptoms to make sure you are fit to undergo the operation. On the other hand, you might consider doing the natural way if you wish a less intrusive method of removing your problem.

Natural Remedies

In adopting the natural remedies for treating external hemorrhoid, make sure to keep your home and work area clean especially in places where you usually sit down. You also need to regulate the kind of food you eat; it must include high fiber food like grains, vegetables and fruits. Avoid eating junk food because they contain chemicals that might ruin your digestive tract. Alcohol and smoking must also be avoided since they can also make you more prone to hemorrhoid.

If your hemorrhoids have already formed, do not subject it to pressure as much as possible. And to get rid of the pain, you can sit on a bucket full of ice and apply lubricants or creams to avoid more irritation.

Joe's Coffee Palace / Roasted with love in 2016.
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